10 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Low-Code Development in 2023

Can Low-Code/No-Code Replace Developers?

Creating an online platform for your business can be exciting, in addition to the inundating whirlwind of time consumption, money incurred, and decision-making. Managing operational activities like planning, designing, testing, and deploying while meeting customers’ expectations is a hard nut to crack. The competitive scene in the market has made companies opt for external service providers for fast and effective app development.

Software application development is the most outsourced service in the IT industry. About 60% of companies outsource their apps entirely or partly. Further, a study revealed nearly 87% of respondents experience or expect to encounter gaps in their IT team. Currently, 54% of companies report talent shortages in their firm. It is one of the reasons that spiked the use of low code. It plays a huge role in addressing prominent issues.

Low-code applications are easy to build, yes? With coding and daunting programming out of the equation, even non-professionals can develop an app with existing templates and widgets. So if you can DIY your business application, why outsource it? Well, there are various reasons for outsourcing low code.

This blog will address your questions one at a time and begin from scratch. So firstly, what is low-code development? What are the advantages of low-code development? Please keep reading to learn the fundamentals and reasons for outsourcing low code!

Low-Code Development: Better To Understand

One of the practical ways to craft an appealing application is going down the low-code lane. You might be wondering why low-code development. It allows you to design your app without writing those daunting chunks of code. Sounds revolutionary, doesn’t it?

Low-code applications use a visual development environment. The platform furnishes user-friendly tools like drag-and-drop modelers, smart contracts, pre-built connectors, and components. Where the traditional process demands you to write code, low-code technology enables you to add elements to the available templates and create an app.


Low code is the answer if you are looking for faster application delivery through minimal coding. Low-code platforms reduce the app development time by 90%. Here are some of the advantages of low-code development:

1. Democratize application development

Low-code platforms facilitate composite application creation with easy-to-use built-in tools. They offer separate elements to plan, build, cooperate, integrate, and deliver apps.

2. Cloud hosting

Low code allows flexibility by deploying a full-stack solution within days or weeks. You don’t have to wait months to integrate the latest features in your app. Hence, low-code platforms are ideal for cloud hosting and delivering applications quickly.

3. Ease of deployment

Traditional development procedures use coding. It often results in bugs and mishaps during the launch date. Low code effortlessly reverts and modifies the possible issues with a single click.

4. User experience

Customers dislike using complex apps with poor navigation options. Almost 88% of consumers are less likely to return to your app after a bad experience. Low code furnishes appealing styles, designs, layouts, widgets, and UI patterns to help you create an intuitive user interface and optimize user experiences.

5. Legacy integration

Older or legacy systems reach a point where they fail to withstand significant changes. They might tempt you to throw them out of your office to bring new systems. However, low code allows integration of third-party platforms and increases agility. You can use it for the integration of legacy mainframe systems.

Low code is gaining massive traction, and for all good reasons. It fabricates a world where you can automate your business ideas within minutes. Anyone with little to no coding knowledge can create applications per their need. Moreover, it gives a hand in bridging the visible gap between available and required skills in the IT sector.

Reasons You Should Outsource Your Low-Code App Development

Outsourcing refers to seeking external and professional assistance for application services, infrastructural solutions, and IT-enabled processes for business outcomes. The global outsourcing market is approximately $92.5 billion, of which IT services contribute the highest percentage of $66.5 billion.


As an established business or a startup, should you hand over low-code app development to another contractor instead of incorporating the necessary resources in your department? As mentioned above, there can be different reasons for outsourcing low code.

Your IT may have the potential to deliver the same results that you get after outsourcing. However, they might be engaged in urgent tasks that suit their specific skills. Or you might feel it is unwise to invest in a non-recurring project. Why purchase a palace for a short vacation when you can rent it?

Here are some of the notable and practical reasons for outsourcing code.

1. Resource Maximization

You may have a team of skilled developers in your firm. But it does not mean that you should delegate every task to them. You must evaluate and assess the time and effort specific tasks require to consider your stakes. 

One of the many reasons for outsourcing low code is to increase productivity and operational efficiency within your firm. It serves to achieve resource optimization by ensuring skilled workers concentrate on critical tasks.

The advantage of low-code outsourcing is that you get effortless execution and operation of your IT projects without burdening your team.

  • Outsourcing agents deliver scalable and adaptable solutions.
  • As devoted and experienced service providers, they begin working on the project immediately without any mistakes.
  • It eliminates the need to train your team for complex app development.

Outsourcing apps allow you to sit back and look at the bigger picture. You can occupy yourself with the company goals and frame long-term missions rather than wasting time on tasks out of your expertise. You can continue growing your venture while experts work on innovating your business without disrupting daily operations.

2. Utilizing Updated Technologies

The technology scenario keeps changing every day with the latest innovations. You must leverage the most recent technology stack to provide your customers with unmatched services. It warrants specialists with substantial knowledge and experience in this field. However, tech stack upgrades yearly, and only a handful of developers are able to get the hang of it.

By the time your team understands and learns the novel concepts, customers will be demanding a new feature. Isn’t it optimal to entrust the task to someone who stays on track with modern technology stacks and trends? And there you have one more reason for outsourcing code

  • Outsourcing agents pay close attention to advanced stacks and include senior developers.
  • They deliver custom solutions in the requisite volume based on technical processes and updated methodologies within the timeline.

3. Procuring Top Talents

In the current era, continued technological advancement, skill shortages, and budget constraints steer the IT and corporate landscape. Your company may house multiple developers, designers, quality assurance engineers, and product managers that have worked together on projects. However, you might lack the resources and systems to execute the project. Further, licenses, subscriptions, and equipment maintenance are all expensive.

  • Low-code app development agencies efficiently and effectively cater to your request with their competent professionals.
  • They will handle your IT tasks as quickly as possible with superior performance levels.
  • They will have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of one another to collaborate seamlessly. 

Outsourcing provides you with an equal playing field with large enterprises. It is a feasible alternative, especially when you want to fulfill a short-term business need. Moreover, searching, recruiting, and employing highly-qualified workers in such instances makes no sense.

4. Saving on Costs

The average salary for a software developer is $110,140. In addition, you pay several expenses over an in-house development team. It includes costs for job posts to attract and recruit candidates and the overhead expenses related to the holidays, workstations, sick days, and office infrastructure.

Hiring an adept team from an external outsourcing company presents top talents and expertise and expedites the requirement of investing in full-time specialists.

  • You can have a competitive edge in pricing matters by outsourcing the project.
  • Outsourcing accompanies minimized overhead costs and high-quality outcomes.
  • It eliminates the requirement of hiring high-charging developers and designers.

You are no longer limited to your immediate proximity when outsourcing. You can work with developers that charge cheaper amounts for premium services. Moreover, you only pay for work performed and the results. Therefore, if you are still hesitant about the process, these added benefits are one of the many reasons for outsourcing low code.

5. Saves Time

Think about all the time you will waste hiring a full-time developers team. Besides hiring, they will also need days to learn the strengths and weaknesses of one another to collaborate. All in all, you will have to wait months to assemble your team and get them ready to start working. 

But as they say, time is money; it is specifically true when you run a company. You can accelerate your application time-to-market by hiring an external contractor. As an experienced and specialized provider, they can set up a team of tech experts in a few days.

6. Product with Better Quality

Building an app with low code is sometimes easier said than done. Of course, you aimed to create a high-quality and scalable tool for your business when you got the idea for an app. But choosing the correct features and capabilities among so many options is challenging.

Quality is a prime aspect of app development and does not confine to a single definition. Millions of users will operate your application. A minor malfunction can change their mind and cost your company serious trouble.

  • Outsourcing agents furnish the needed quality standards and comply with the guidelines.
  • They employ test-driven development techniques and approaches, including manual and automated testing.
  • The team prioritizes your needs and your customers’ satisfaction. They deliver tailored products that run efficiently on every device.

Low-code agencies navigate through all the crucial decisions and incorporate abilities that will give you a robust, efficient, and integrated application. They know what works and what does not, so their expertise and talent allow them to manage all the processes in the best ways possible.

7. Flexibility

Imagine designing a flawless app for months to serve your customers. You had a proper plan and team to ensure nothing fell off track with it. But your customers are not particularly satisfied with the quality and service after its release. Where did it go wrong? Even the most meticulously planned projects can end up in a time crunch due to minor errors. 

You must be familiar with the latest processes to provide customers with what they want. However, scaling your in-house team to meet the current demands implies firing employees and unintentionally ruining team morale.

Outsourcing, on the other hand, creates value. It allows you to initiate, cancel, or extend and scale the development process up and down depending on the market conditions. It helps your firm stay nimble and effectively respond to the changing business environment.

8. Superior Quality

Superior quality is by far the most valuable reason for outsourcing code. By outsourcing, you unlock access to skilled engineers and designers who are well-versed and battle-tested in various projects.

  • You can protect your project from the moment you sign the contract. If you want any additional clauses, you can discuss them with the company to avoid future conflicts.
  • You can request an NDA to combat possible data breaches or leaks.

An outsourced team brings well-defined processes and workflows that keep you productive and elevate application development. They promise top quality at every step of the process.

9. Exceptional Support

Companies offering app development outsourcing services are home to adept professionals who know the work like the back of their hands. You will be working with the best technology professionals and getting adequate support from their team. They will use their years of experience and knowledge to deliver premier services and ensure you face no stress or challenge.

  • Outsourcing enables you to focus on your business.
  • Engineer the app with the correct structure from the initial steps.
  • Allows time for review and feedback.
  • Quickly alters and modifies features within the app when needed.

It is paramount for companies to adhere to the standards of lean development and remain agile and flexible. Outsourcing firms reduce the need to redo a finished project by ensuring it harbors no errors from the start. Moreover, they are willing to incorporate and integrate the latest features and attributes into their scalable solutions to help you stay on pace with the evolving world.

10. Mitigates Risk

Building an app has become a cakewalk with low code. Having an idea for an app is easy, but it won’t help you until and unless you prove its worth through development and marketing strategies.

Each project accompanies risks and responsibilities. The first is what if your customers find the application useless and unfit. Many things can go wrong, from the initial stage to the final delivery. For example,

  • IT security breaches like malware and ransomware
  • Rejection of Play Market or App Store
  • Long app reviewing time
  • Poor and complex UI/UX interface

However, restricting yourself from developing an application due to these risks can adversely affect your brand in the future. Customers look for convenience, accessibility, and reliability in the present day. You can provide all these with a splendid app. 

Now you can alleviate this stress by outsourcing the project. The accountability for any roadblock or obstacle while app development lies with the contractor.

Low-Code DevelopmentOutsourcing: An Optimal Investment

Outsourcing is a two-headed coin with its fair share of pros and cons, like everything in the world. Letting an expert agency handle and manage your app project can help in faster development. Ultimately, it comes down to cost, risk, and your situation.

It is a viable and most practical solution for short- and long-term projects. However, searching for an adept contractor can be challenging. How would you know if they will be worthwhile and able to meet your expectations? You have to consider multiple things before hiring a company. 

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Sahil Gupta

Sahil Gupta

With roll up the sleeves, dive in and get the job done approach, it was year in the year 2010 when Sahil started Parangat Technologies. Emphasising on a healthy work culture and technologically driven company, he has successfully created a workplace where people love to work and live. He is a software engineer and a passionate blockchain enthusiast.