Privacy statement

Protecting your privacy is a top priority at Big Tech Cloud Media Inc. This privacy policy outlines the steps we take to keep your personal information confidential while using it to enhance the information and services we provide to you on

  1. All Content is provided freely

There is no subscription required to consume content on Subscriptions are only required for posting listings in the directory, job opportunities on the jobs board and events in the global events calendar. will in no way, share, publish or sell your confidential vendor contact information to third parties.  Once you subscribe, you can unsubscribe at any time by sending us an email at

  1. Protecting Your Information

Vendors are responsible for the information they publish on the site and in no way, will be responsible for any personal information published on purpose or by mistake. If you engage in consuming any content specific to vendors on the Big Tech Cloud BrightTalkTM channel, contact information is collected as part of your BrightTalkTM subscription and will be shared with both and the vendor specific to the content viewed. may choose at a future date to send you reports, content, whitepapers and or links we feel may add value to your professional life based upon your content preferences. However, will always adhere with strict opt in and opt out policies and regulations.

  1. Links to Third-Party Web Sites contain links to third-party Web sites. This privacy statement applies only to the Web site and information collected by It does not apply to any third-party Web sites you access from our Web site, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these sites.

  1. Security employs several physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the personal information you provide us. Your account information can only be accessed using the correct login and password. uses industry-standard SSL-encryption to ensure your personal information is protected during data transmissions. Access to your information is limited to authorized employees who need it to perform their jobs or to provide you with requested services and products.

  1. Third-Party Advertisers does not use third-party advertising companies to provide advertisements or allow third-party advertisers to track your browsing activities on the Web site.

  1. Updating Your Personal Information

You may update your personal information at any time by visiting the Web site and editing your account profile.

  1. Policy Changes

If this privacy policy changes in any significant way, a notice will appear on the Web site and/or you will be notified by e-mail.

  1. Personal Information Displayed on the contributor page

If you are a contributor of content on the you may be required to enter specific information that will be visible to other users as part of your public profile, such as your Display Name, Biography and Expertise. In addition, your state and country of residence will be visible to other users of

  1. To Contact

Should you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at: