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Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity

Big Tech Cloud reached out to executives, thought leaders, experts, practitioners, and writers about a unique initiative. ITC would donate to Second Harvest for every article submitted in December by our past contributors. Thank you to all who contribute to this food drive. We appreciate your knowledge and leadership.

Personal note

Fifty years as an employee; banks in the US, UK, and EU or as a freelance consultant.

Fifty years in IT; director, Agile, DevOps, Lean, ITSM, trainer, author, coach.

Fifty years of trying to keep the business in business by the best use of technology!

My teams have led recoveries from hurricanes, floods, significant snowstorms, 9/11, a CIO inadvertently powering off the data centre, London bomb scares, stock market crashes, hackers, lost data, cloud failures, and who knows how many software or hardware changes gone wrong.

We barely lost a customer due to a business continuity event. In fact, in one case, we attracted praise and many new customers such that the bank went from being the third-largest in Texas to one of the biggest banks in the Southwest US.  

The purpose of this blog – to help you keep your business in business every day!

What is Business Continuity Management (BCM)?

Can every person in your organisation and every vendor you rely upon answer this question every day:

It’s that simple. Imagine going home knowing that if something happens, you are ready to address the issue. The practices, guidelines, tools, skills, and communications are tested and prepared every day.

Not as a bunch of paper in a lengthy document based upon a static impact analysis. Instead, as part of a small set of scenarios that lead people into doing what is necessary to keep the business in business. Look at your current plan: did it predict COVID, WFH, mental stress, people going global for services, political changes, the transition to AI services, distribution challenges, and all the rest of what has happened globally in the last 20 months?

What most organisations consider to be “acceptable” Business Continuity

Actual (unfortunately all too often) conversation:

Is this conversation recognisable where you work? Don’t you believe that it is time to have a different one?

Business Continuity Metrics

Please don’t give me the SLA with our customers’ pitch. Agreements are signed documents between you and someone else. Show me the signatures, and we can talk. Remember the airline that said, hey, we came back up with our 2-hour SLA (sorry, people impacted that took five days to get back home while we had planes in the wrong place or that even missed being a flight as we had to cancel many just to get back up and running). But hey, we were up as promised!

The primary metrics are:

Satisfaction metrics:

Things change: how do you prepare?

You don’t! Yeah, COVID is over; oh wait, a new variant. Darn! What will this mean to us as we still have distribution issues and staff are in a mixed working environment, and our partners are not entirely stable?

What you need are a few scenarios. Agile, DevOps, ITSM all benefit from a lean practice called Value Stream Mapping and Management (VSM).


You now understand the service or product, which leaders can revise into a new way of working, as applied to normality and in a business continuity event.

If you perform the above at least three times, you will see an incredible amount of commonality amongst your main processes. Therefore, you now have the basics for the main scenarios you need to for a plan of action. Keep it simple, provide roles and responsibilities guidelines, fix the tools and data flow issues, upskill everyone, and share this with partners so they know their part in keeping you in business.

Technology in Business Continuity is your best friend and worse enemy

We rely on technology, but things break. That big telephone cable you connected your business to (the internet) and that place where much of your data and applications reside (the cloud) still breaks. If you can survive an issue for either occurrence, you are digitally transformed, as you have changed your work based on technology. Maybe you transfer work to a partner, perhaps you have a ready backup, maybe you can revert to manual processes or even just stop doing something for a while.


Testing does not start when someone codes something which they want to go live. Testing begins with the question of Should we do this? Yes, why? No, why not? Look at your VSM map. Each step requires a test to ensure completeness and reduce the number of backward bounces. Tests will impact the tools and people involved, so make the best of use of them. Tests will not always succeed, so plan how to address an issue by the next sprint.

Don’t forget to test with partners. Declare an event and see how they react.

Leaders your role

My first CEO led by example. He rarely was in meetings or his office. He loved walking around the bank talking to staff and customers. We were used to him arriving late at night with several pizzas and watching how his technology helped the bank. No matter the visit, he always asked: how can I help you keep us in business? He wrote down the ideas, and he thanked us for being candid.

Change your attitude and behaviour. Everyone copies leaders. You now have the beginnings of a business continuity culture. Test it by asking the question this article began with: Can you service and support staff and customers tomorrow? Enjoy the transformation

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